SciFi Desert Units
Wednesday, May 27, 2015 - 12:32
Art Type:
Units and Terrain assets based on Frank Herbert's Dune universe. 73 FBX files, 18 PNG textures. Some of the models have embedded animation.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Please attribute to:

Very nice, and I think the first time someone has uploaded a nice set of RTS units/buildings here on OGA!
Thanks! I hope this inspires someone to make a new Dune RTS.
Most likely it will end up in OpenRTS ( but probably adapted to a somewhat different story theme.
yes! :))))
Gran trabajo!
Looks pretty cool, but shouldn't you change the name to ... I don't know, something like "Dessert Planet"? As of now, it appears to be derivative to copyrighted material. I am no lawyer, just saying that this may be an issue.
Hi, sounds reasonable. So going forward, is it best practice to use generic names for art assets?
Well you can use any name you want AFAIK however you should keep it in a way that you won't get sued for copyright infringement. Most of the times I see people adding a "-like" in order to underline a mockup. For example a "rogue-like" game. This way people will now what you are going after and you didn't break copyright. But I would double check that by asking asking someone on the forum. (I am no dev, so I may be wrong)
Hi! Do you by chance have those in another format, or without animation? It gets messed up when I import it in Blender and re-export it. (I have to re-export it for JMonkeyEngine).
Is it really
CC-BY-SA and not the license stated on the homepage: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Unported License.
Are you the Author of the art or do you have his permission?
Hi, I'm currently busy with a few projects, will revisit in a few months regarding exporting these in the obj format.
Hi, the cc-by-nc license applies to media on my personal website only ( These assets are not available for download on my site.
Yes I created these assets and the cc-by-sa licence applies to and