Sci-Fi Object Set
Sunday, December 29, 2013 - 19:52
Art Type:
- 2D - Tiles 32x32
- 2D - Top View
- 2D Sci-Fi RPG Sprites
- 2D::Tile::Orthogonal
- 32x32 ambient
- abbott
- Area tokens (PixelArt)
- C-Dogs SDL art
- CC0
- CF Inspiration
- Cool Stuff for a 2D RPG game
- Gravy Shock
- kepler
- Liberated Pixel Cup
- LPC Wars
- Mech Quest
- OGA Jam #2 Assets
- pizza guy
- Project "Jogurt's Greed"
- public domain packs/sets
- RPG Game
- Sanctum 8
- Sci Fi
- Sci-Fi
- Sci-Fi background tiles
- Sci-fi Noir
- Sci-fi Parts and Inspiration
- Scifi LPC
- space magic
- space station HS
- THEME: sci-fi / space
- Tilesets
- Top Down 2D JRPG 32x32 Art Collection
- topdown tiles
- TSK - OGA GameJam July 1
- Useful Things
- Workable style 32x32 tiles
- Zed: AM: Top-Down
These are just some random objects I made so I had something to work on. They are already set up into 32x32 spaces with a transparent background.
Attribution Instructions:
Feel free to use however you want. Credit isn't necessary but much appreciated. If you do credit, simply credit me as Janna or Lilius, thanks!

Oh Thats nice for a hi tech shadow run server room (... just an example ^^). Cool!
Thanks for the graphics. I used them in my iOS game "Woolley Monster Escapes"
:) S
Awesome, thanks for sharing! I'm glad you could find some use for these. :)