Sci-Fi Block Set
Saturday, November 22, 2014 - 00:12
Art Type:
Small set of 64x64 blocks, plus some borders for more interesting combinations :)
Includes .psd with larger resolution sources.
Used it? Need more blocks? Feel free to comment on what kind of blocks are missing, I just might add them.
Have fun!
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Copyright/Attribution Notice:
If you manage to get your game released (or close) put a link to my portfolio in your game, thanks!

Looks cool. Reminds a bit like boards in Space Crusade board game.
Nice, BTW I will probably use the tileset! One thing to comment: the corner-in piece does not have the brown outline. This results in an "unsmooth" corner. This is quite easy to fix as I managed to do it as well :D
Nice, BTW I will probably use the tileset! One thing to comment: the corner-in piece does not have the brown outline. This results in an "unsmooth" corner. This is quite easy to fix as I managed to do it as well :D
Updated the sprites, they should fit snugly now :)