Scarfy The Penguin Art and Sounds Pack
Scarfy The Penguin Sound and Art Pack v2.0
Scarfy The Penguin is my entry into OGA's Summer 2020 Game Jam.
Presented as my way of giving back to the OGA community and saying thanks to all the artists whose works contributed to the creation of Yulpers, here are the art and sound files from the game.
The art uses pieces from several OGA works along with a good bit of original stuff, see details below.
The music and sounds are by Naraku and myself.
Composition author:
Scott Matott
Uses works or derivatives of works by:
The doors, water and green and blue ice tiles are derived from tiles in ZomBCool's Polar Bear Platformer set.
The shark sprite is derived from the shark in madmarcel's Extra graphics for Twin Dragons Spritesheet set.
The leopard seals are derived from the seal in CFKaligula's Pico 8 Penguin/Arctic Arcade Stuff set.
Pretty sure the rest of what you see is original work by me, but if I missed anything or anyone please let me know!
Everything was re-colored to fit in the Sega Master System palette which is included here also for completeness.
The music and musical fanfares are by Naraku.
The sound effects are by me in sxfr.
Attribution instructions:
For items in the 'By Scott Matott' folder, credit Scott Matott.
For items in the 'By Naraku' folder credit Naraku.
In either case, please provide a link back to the OGA page for this work.
Change log:
v2.0 -
After Hours Jam Edition Update!
Adds additional sprites/art from the After Hours Jam Edition of the game.
Door and water tiles properly creditted to ZomBCool.
v1.0 -
First release.
Full credits and licensing info:
The following works were used in the creation of this work.
Modifications were made.
Pico 8 Penguin/Arctic Arcade Stuff
used under terms of
Extra graphics for Twin Dragons Spritesheet
used under terms of
CC-BY 3.0
Polar Bear Platformer
used under terms of
CC-BY 3.0
You can check out Scarfy here:
and the test of the OGA Winter Game Jam 2020 entries here:

Oh dear, just realized I forgot to credit ZomBCool for the doors and water tiles. They are both derived from his Polar Bear Platformer set. Putting together an update to include all the changes/new stuff in Scarfy's 'After Hours Jam Edition', will fix the credits when I post that. Many apologies to ZomBCool!
I always love your title logos :3