Savannah tiles
Saturday, October 22, 2022 - 13:02
Art Type:
Huts with basic ground tiles and a tree for a savannah environment.
Archive contains XCFs and preview map. Palm can be found here.

Hey, those are some really neat tiles! I love how many unique forms of buildings you can create with them!
Thanks! Glad you like 'em.
I started on these in 2006 to be used in The Mana World, but they've been laying dormant unfinished for some fifteen years. At the end of last year I finally got to bringing them to a usable state, still using the same Wacom Graphire 3. :)
The mana world is still going. The project is very much still active. We have even spawned a new project based in GoDot. Glad to see you got these done. I'll have to make some maps with them once I get finished with my current ones.
I know, I passed these to someone in the project about a year ago. With "they" I meant the tiles. :)
Feel free to post links or screenshots featuring these tiles, here in the comments. Also, I added an archive containing the full preview map.