RTS commands and reports
Monday, July 11, 2011 - 09:39
Art Type:

Hi again,
Some common RTS commands and reports
I have recorded them in two voices a normal human male voice and a very deep voice as I thought it would be useful to use for human Vs Beast type games
Hope they are useful to someone
P.S they are completely free to use but I didn't know which license was which but ignore the license they are free to be used :) (I just chose the first one)

CC0 would have been the right license then.
Short question however... which text to speach engine did you use, and are the spoken results of it really completely free to use (not sure what kind of EULAs it might have)?
thanks for the heads up, had completely forgotten about legal issues :/
I used the default text to speech engine on a mac, I have no idea where I would find out what the legalities are
do you think I should delete this submit?
naaa.. a quick google search didn't come up with any concerns, and most likely is is fine to use voice recordings. But IANAL... probably you would have to have a very close look at the Apple EULA to figure out what the exact legal status is.
They are a good idea, but I feel the "normal" ones are not that good as they convey no emotion at all and it is easy to hear it's a generated voice, there is no flow.
But the second voice with the effect is great! I could totally see them in some futuristic RTS!
Thanks for the comments,
I was planning to record my own voice but It sounded so stupid to me. It probably would have been a better idea and I may do a new one in the future with a real human voice :)
hopefully, as you said, the deeper voice will come in use to someone :D
I've used these sounds in a game jam recently: http://congusbongus.itch.io/blue-alert
I wanted to have a single "building" and "training" command, when you start to build a unit, but they weren't available so I had to cut them from an existing "building XXX" command, which doesn't sound nice. Do you have the projects still available? Perhaps you can update and add these in?