Monday, February 6, 2017 - 11:29
Art Type:

RPG music for a lost village or what not or a dreary graveyard level but, could be used for a lot more! You may use this for any project that you like but, I will ask that you let me know that you are going to use it and I would love to see the finished project as well. I am open to the idea of rearranging it to fit your game just leave me an email and we will see what we can do! Cheers!! (Music made to be loop-able)
Contact Me: hitctrl@gmail.com
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/hitctrl
Copyright/Attribution Notice:

Nice one! I think it ends a little abruptly, so I'll probably add a tight fade out, but I'll be using this for some terrain exploring background music for sure.
I am glad that you liked it ztn, I try to make the music loop-able. If you need me to re-arrange it a little to help you out just shoot me an e-mail and I would be more than happy to work it out for you!
Hey! Very nice music! I wish to use it as my menu music if you permit.
My project:
Thank you!
Hey John,
I am glad you like the song and of course you may use it!
This music is wonderful! I am planning on using it as background music for one level in my RPG that I have created if that is ok with you. I will be submitting it to Google Play next month, and can post a link to the game here once it's up. Thank you so much!
Hey Jischoler,
You most certainly can use it, I would love to see the game once you post it!
Thank you! It took me a little longer than I thought, but I finally finished it and published it to Google Play. Here it is!
Apparently there isn't a way to give out a code for a free download, so if you want it for free you can PM me later and I can work out a manual "refund" of sorts. I also published it to Amazon appstore as well if you have that; just search for "Eternal Concord".
I hope you like it, and thanks again!