RPG Sound Package

This sound package contains various sound effects from Heroes of Hawks Haven. All these sounds are made by Tuomo Untinen.
There are sound effects for combat, envinronment, spells, inventory and monsters. Package contains 53 sound effects.
combat: bow.wav hit.wav missing_arrow.wav swing.wav
Envinroment: alchemist1.wav bubbles.wav fireplace.wav seagull2.wav water-wave3.wav alchemist2.wav build1.wav fountain.wav smith1.wav water-wave4.wav birds1.wav build2.wav horse.wav smith2.wav birds2.wav clock.wav raven2.wav stream.wav birds3.wav cricket1.wav raven.wav water-wave1.wav birds4.wav cricket2.wav seagull1.wav water-wave2.wav
Inventory: dooropen.wav headwear.wav picklock-fail.wav ring.wav eating.wav lockeddoor.wav picklock.wav scroll.wav
Monsters: animated-object1.wav brain-monster2.wav giant-bee.wav animated-object2.wav brain-monster.wav witch.wav
Spells: cursespell.wav flames.wav levelup.wav smite.wav waterspell.wav darkness.wav frost.wav shock.wav teleport.wav

Great sound effects, I used them in github.com/WorldGrower/WorldGrower and I credited you for these sound effects.
Interesting game! Are you going to tell more about your project here in OGA?
Wow, are these fantastic sounds really available for use? That’s incredible! I absolutely love this collection. Congratulations on creating such great sounds!
I used them in my game, Holy Heroes, as described below:
Thank you very much for making these sounds available!
I gave you credit in the credits scene of the game.
If you're interested in my game, the Steam link is:
Yes, they are free to use as long as you give me the attribution for the sound effects you used. Creating sound effects is fun specially for things which aren't real like magic effects, you need to think how it would sound and how to make that sound. That frost sound I just took ice from my icebox and just crushed it in my hands.
You are game looks interesting. It reminds me old classic Gauntlet.