RPG Items 16x Dungeon loot - Trinkets, swords, bows and wands
Monday, February 15, 2021 - 04:18
Art Type:
Some items I made for my game, I remade them and now these ones are useless to me so I hope someone can use the old ones.

Not bad.
However, you should know the stipulation about 'don't resell, don't reupload' is unenforceable under this license. Due to those stipulations causing unintended consequences for developers (even in non-commercial projects), we do not accept any licenses here that disallow that. Not because we want others to profit off of your hard work, but because the law gets complicated around what constitutes resale and 'unmodified redistribution'. Some games separate the download of their assets and executables. (Minecraft for example, you can download texture packs separately) Does the stand-alone graphics pack violate the 'no stand alone redistribution' requirement? If they host the assets on a site where ads are used, that legally counts as using these to generate revenue, so 'no resale' is violated. I know that isn't your intent, but the point is those requirements make most assets impossible to use safely under an open license.That being said, you could make it highly unlikely that anyone would be able to resell them if you chose a license like OGA-BY instead. With that license, the user is required to credit you and, if you request, include a link back to this page. At that point, anyone trying to resell these elsewhere would be required by law to include a link here, and any of their potential customers could easily see it is available here for free and wouldn't bother to pay them for it. They're still allowed to try to resell them, it just wouldn't be very effective.Would you be willing to remove that stipulation? Until then, I have marked this as having a licensing issue in order to protect your interests.Thank you for your reply, this is my first time uploading assets for free use, so I got lost in licence... I changed the licence to OGA-BY and removed the copyright paragraph. Do I need to do something with the blocked file download or will it take care of itself?
Thanks. The file has already been unblocked. :) Remember that you can still ask that people link back here in their credits. That is a good thing to put in the copyright/attribution box.