Razz the racoon
Monday, November 12, 2012 - 12:25
Art Type:
Made with Inkscape for Ultimate Smash Friends : hit, jump, static, walk

Made with Inkscape for Ultimate Smash Friends : hit, jump, static, walk
It's good to see you around again. Thanks for your contributions! Do you know if USF is still being developed? I haven't heard anything on that front for quite a while.
On Ubuntu's forum, in the Ultimate Smash Friends topic, last news from Tshirtman are from october 29.
He is often on this topic : http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=1107651&p=22, you can ask him what the game will become.
I have news from Tshirtman, he doesn't have time to developp USF anymore. He couldn't find another developper. He is sorry because he likes your work and mine.
Am I allowed to use this in my game project?
Double post - sry
It's under license GPL, you can use it in your game if you let it under the same license.
You're allowed to share, remix, etc. see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/quick-guide-gplv3.en.html
It would be nice of you to write my name as creator of this design somewhere in your game's source code
thanks, I used for my games
I am very proud that you use my work ! Keep on making games. It would be nice if you put my name somewhere on your site to credit me.