Rainy Street
Tuesday, March 12, 2013 - 05:52
Art Type:
Rainy street perspective, dutched. I wanted to play around with colors on this one.

Rainy street perspective, dutched. I wanted to play around with colors on this one.
Could we get a non-skewed version sans gun(wo)man? I'm picturing this would make a great backdrop for a visual novel or RPG fight!
I will post a version later w/out the figure in it (she's on her own layer), however, the un-skewed version might be harder to provide since I painted this on a skewed axis. I'll see what I can do though.
This is awesome. :)
Thanks! :D
I've added both a version with out the female figure, and one that is unskewed. Unfortunately the unskewed version had to be cropped in pretty tight to account for the missing edges after it was unskewed.
Awesome art! I'm thinking of using this for my game (which has a lot of work to do) as the Menu art.
Thanks Deathsbreed! Feel free to use it as you like :)