Ragecore's sprites, tile, buttons and others
Monday, September 16, 2019 - 06:53
Art Type:
Various png files used here https://manpacman.itch.io/ragecore
There are some things that are edits from other projects:
-https://opengameart.org/content/8x8-8-bit-styled-castle-tileset by Gravity Games Interactive
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Gravity Games Interactive (for the castle tileset), 0x72 (for the slash animation).

Nice addition. :)
If these contain derivatives from MadByte's Candy Land tileset, this would need to be CC-BY intead of CC0 since the candyland set is CC-BY.
Thanks for the observation.
I have edited the page and separated Madbyte's sprites to evitate confution.
Thanks! It is better,
but not quite right, I'm afraid; using both cc0 and CC-By on one submission implies downloaders can choose either one they want, which is not accurate. Although the two assets are in separate files, they are still under the same submission page, so either license applies to both files. You would need to either:ORkeep both sets together on this submission as it is now, but change the license to only include CC-BY, making both Ragecore_sprites.zip and madbyte_edit.png a CC-BY asset.Thank you for being so understanding and swift to respond. We try to be very careful to adhere to all artists wishes. Thanks again for sharing this work. :)
Madbyte's assets are no longer in the downloable files.
Sorry for made you waste your time and thank you for being undersanding too.
Cool asset