Public Domain First Person Pistols
Saturday, April 30, 2022 - 21:54
Art Type:
Having uploaded some pistol sprites I thought were from a public domain image, only for it to actually be CC-BY, I decided to try and make some that were actually CC0. Here are the results.
Source images:
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Copyright 2022 Graham L. Wilson

"As a work of the U.S. federal government, it is in the public domain in the United States."
Sounds like it's not really public domain.
"While US government works generally are in the public domain in the US, they may be protected by copyright abroad. The feds may claim copyright protection for US government works in other countries depending on how those countries treat their own government works. So just be aware that US government agencies sometimes claim copyright in their works outside the US."
this is an interesting question. i don't want to cloud up the comments on this asset, but what about old books from project gutenberg? they are likewise public domain in the U.S. (for different reasons)
i'm gonna start a forum thread to discuss this topic.
by the way the urls for the second and third sources are incorrectly displayed and are not linking. the (21_of_23).jpg and (18_of_23).jpg are part of the url
when you paste long links like that into OGA it seems to apply a linebreak and cut off the url, unless you manually insert link
We have reasonably determined the original sources to be truly Public Domain content. The "in the US" suffix is not extra stipulation, just extra specification.
Thanks for sharing, Technopeasant. Nice work! :)