Psycho Furs!
Friday, June 7, 2019 - 06:43
Art Type:
Collab with withthelove, for a failed game project.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Spring, Withthelove,Sinnocturnal

Collab with withthelove, for a failed game project.
Sad to hear the project is discontinued, but this looks like it has a lot of promise. thanks for sharing. :)
Oh, no problem, we were going to do it for the Spring Jam, but it was just way too hard.
Great art again :)
In particular the boxart and the title images.
What are the characters names on the "player sprites" file?
1st (from the top) : Kymi
2nd : ??
3rd : ??
4th : Hayden
5th : Jay
By the way, I never asked : are you the one who invented all these characters?
1 is Kymi, 2 is Glimmer, 3 is Huey, 4 is Hayden and 5 is Jay ^^
They are all by me yes ^^
Misc. art and info about the characters is available here! (not openly licenced)
Thanks for these links :)
I did not know Toyhouse, it seems interesting.
no problem, I kinda want to make another game with these characters now...
As you wish. Either you prefer taking a pause in game dev, doing some art and letting us use it, eventually to make games with your characters.
Or you can get back to game dev, we would enjoy it, of course.
But whatever you choose, be patient and do not doubt about your talent.
You are definitely right about the patience thing... that is very important...
I'm considering preparing something for the summer jam, but maybe I will get less stressed if I don't have to abide by the 1 month time restriction for coding. But also maybe just picking a project simple enough to fit within that month would be the best way to go. The mutant badger game was made in only the final half of the month, all things considered.
Small post correction: Despite me saying the opposite before, Jay was actually designed by Sinnocturnal and not myself.