PS1 Style RPG Weapons
Monday, January 23, 2023 - 07:35
Art Type:
Blender files and png textures for 33 misc weapons in a PS1, low-poly, low res texture style. Meant for an unfinished game inspired by Final Fantasy IX. All models come with their dependant texture(s), and are UV unwrapped. These mostly consist of bows, maces, and hammers.

You made all textures from scratch?
Yep! These are hand painted CptDrunkBear originals :P
Nice! What a fun set of armaments
These are amazing, exactly what I've been looking for/trying to make. I'm curious about the Meteor mace, why did you decide to seperate the lava and stone textures?
That was so the lava could be scrolled underneath the stone texture to make it look like it was flowing! That was done in a shader, so they were kept separate. They could easily just be combined into a single layer though.
interesting, i might try and make that work. again, awesome work and thanks so much