Pre-rendered Lowpoly Tree - Isometric, Top-down, Profile Giant Baobab Renders
These are pre-rendered files created from my 3D lowpoly baobab. You can get the source model and textures here: Going forward, I plan on creating similar ready-made 2D files from all of my 3D models, because I am made of Time.
Top-down, isometric and side views are included, both in Standard and Raw colour spaces (two different presets for how Blender handles colour). Standard mode is more suitable for levels manipulation and other types of editing.
Top down view is 512x512 in size. Iso and side views are 1024x1024 in side, rendered in 16-bit colour depths for extra detail and flexibility when editing. This, combined with their size, means the files can get quite big so I recommend you edit them down into the size fit for your game. Think of these as source files, not necessarily game-ready assets.
Top-down view includes isolated canopy and trunk, isolated shadow for canopied and leafless trees, trees combined with shadows both with and without canopy, and shadowless canopied trees.
Side view includes isolated canopies, isolated trunk w/ canopy shadow, leafless tree, and canopied trees. All images have versions from all 4 directions.
Iso view includes isolated canopies, isolated trunk w/ canopy shadow, isolated shadows for canopied and leafless versions, leafless trees and canopied trees, both with and without shadows baked in. All images have versions from all 4 directions.
Isometric views were rendered from a camera rotation of X = 60º and Z = 45º. In the future, I'll also release iso views rendered from different angles also commonly used in games: X = 41.5º which creates an iso ratio of 4 to 3, and X = 30º which is the angle used by Kenney's isometric assets.
Total top-down images: 12. Total side view images: 32. Total isometric images: 56. Total images across all sub-folders: 100.
This baobab most closely resembles Adansonia grandidieri, the Giant Baobab. It is the most famous species of baobab.
To see more of my work and socials or to commission something, here is my list of links:
This release is a part of OpenTaxa, a project to create libre depictions of our planet's species:
Original scene by Skodvirr, licensed as CC-BY 4.0:
I took the baobab tree, fixed some overlapping geometry issues and replaced the flat colour textures with some original ones i painted.
All renders by me, details are given on the section above. I also used Krita to edit some of the images.
Screaming Brain Studios' CC0 Noise Texture Pack was used to create the textures: