Potion "Phial"
So i watched the tutorials of making pixel art, and had some internet troubles that i couldn't download the same program, but instead i used "Paint.Net" so i am providing both the PNG and pdn files, the pdn files have seperate layers and also a grey background. as of right now i am just looking for criticism on the art. I havent done much pixel art or CG art at all...
So the potions have eight stages, which can be seen above, on the pdn file the "juice" of the potions can be altered
Worked more on the textures, decided to put them to some use, and used three colours of them to represent three stats: Health, Magick and Stamina (red, blue and green respectively) to help in labeling each i made some "labels" which show some icons (inspired by those available at http://game-icons.net )
the new files will be added in a new zip down below and can be seen above as well

They look quite good for your first art. Actually, the shading looks really professional. I'd like some reflections in the glass though (e. g. almost-white pixels/stripes)