Pollywog (baby frog) in cave graphics
I'm uploading my recent free, done-in-a-weekend graphics as CC0. It was for Ludum Dare 34, so it required doing everything in 48 hours and releasing the source. I'm also releasing the images here. The themes were "Two button controls" and "Growing." It can be found though itch.io or through the Ludum Dare voting and comment page.
In it, you guide a pollywog (or tadpole) through a cave and shoot the growing vines until you reach a lighter area and become a frog. It could be on a calculator for how easy it is, but I hacked the thing together after discarding a couple of other ideas. The game is a reverse flappy bird with some shooting, essentially. It's not super complicated, and it's kind of pixelly, but someone might have a use for it.
The images contain the pollywog in various poses, a death graphic, a life meter of sorts, random vine and cave pieces as well as bubbles galore. It's barely seen in the game, but I also have the pollywog transforming into a frog. I even included the text in a graphic format. By the way, the Pollywog logo is just in the font AR Christy. I didn't have the time or desire to be too fancy. If you want it bigger or other text to match it, it can be made with that typeface. The smaller, blocky text is just Fixedsys, but you proably don't want to copy that.
The graphics here might match some others I did and will upload sometime. It's also possible they may work with some other art here. But they're free at any rate, so use them however you like.