Planet Surface Backgrounds
Wednesday, December 16, 2020 - 23:35
Art Type:
A series of FREE procedurally generated terrains you can use as backgrounds or images in your games or projects! All correspond with various planet types from the 2D Planet Pack, and backgrounds will be added to match each planet type. Every background has been rendered at multiple resolutions so you can choose the size that best fits your needs.
19 Planet Surfaces 512x384 / 640x480 / 800x600
2 x Alpine Planet (Wet and Dry)
2 x Desert Planet (Wet and Dry)
2 x Ice Planet (Wet and Dry)
2 x Poison Planet (Wet and Dry)
2 x Red Planet (Wet and Dry)
2 x Rocky Planet (Wet and Dry)
1 x Volcanic Planet (Dry)
2 x Ocean Planet (Wet and Dry)
2 x Tropical Planet (Wet and Dry)
2 x Radiated Planet (Wet and Dry)
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Screaming Brain Studios if you feel so inclined, but credit is not required :)

Wow - these are pretty cool...thanks for offering at such a generous license.
You could probably sell them in the Unity or Unreal asset stores if they were seamless.
If you rendered these from different angles they could be useful in different types of game.
E.g. platform games would want a much lower angle, looking towards the horizon. Top-down flying shmups would want a higher angle (and probably an oblique projection too).
I've actually been considering this as well! I use a lot of specialized software and work within some weird limitations, so not everything is completely possible, but I will actually see if I can't test out some different angles!