Pixel wooden crate
Sunday, February 12, 2017 - 06:51
Art Type:
256 x 256 wooden crate, free for personal and commercial projects.

256 x 256 wooden crate, free for personal and commercial projects.
Love it I am going to adapt and make 1 small OCD tweak, I want the cross section different. But it looks amazing!
My edit:
Now I am going to resize this to fit my 16x16 Tileset for my project, will post pictures when I'm done.
Cool! Love the metal panel.
Thanks! Took me about 5min. I'm pretty new thought it might be an interesting twist.
Wanted the piece where it crossed to look like it was the same height instead of raised on top of each other. To give the piece more depth. The metal was just because I thought it made it look sturdier.
You also taught me a very valuable lesson between canvas size and resolution of the piece.
Yeah that's a good point.
Do you have any current projects you are working on? I need another artist.
Yeah I'm working on a few of my own things at the moment, thanks for asking though!
Tbh I'm quite new to pixel art at the moment and need some more practice.
Ok, well if you are needing something I always have work for everyone. When I'm not working on my main project I am always thinking of fun concepts to test to give myself a break.
How are you likeing OGA?
It's cool, sharing things here is something I've been meaning to do for some time. I plan to put a whole bunch of stuff out.
I'm actually working on a different tileset creation method right now though, creating basic environments in blender and rendering them in orthographic mode as tiles. Should have some things to share soon.
Interesting, so you can turn 3D objects into sprites?