Pixel Art Vehicles
Thursday, February 7, 2013 - 19:51
Art Type:
Now i give you some vehicles to travel the roads i gave you earlyer.
The originals can be found in Pixel32's Pixel city tileset. I edited them a little bit.
Here you have a Fire truck, 4 large, 4 small trucks, school bus and 2 public transport busses. With a little luck i'll be able to edit this entry and add cars.
If you find good use of it, pls, send me link to tge project they are in. I'd like to see my work in action :)
EDIT: 8 cars added.
Attribution Instructions:
Originally created by PIXEL32, Edited by Psycho_666.
Credit us if you feel like it. We will be glad to see our names, at least i will.

Actually, you should have set "your own work?" field as "yes" -- the "no" option if for you reuploading art from other sites to OGA, not derivative works.
I've never seen a firetruck or bus with 3 axles. Is that intentional or an oversight from using the 18 wheeler template?
It is not intencionall. I just changed the 18 wheeler, and didn't pay atention to this. I'll fix it tomorow, cause i just got back from work and am a bit tired...
Thanks for noticing those things :)
EDIT: Some shading added and fixed the firetruck and busses wheels.
EDIT 2: A few cars (8 to be precise) have been added.
Hello! Stupid question, but how do I download these? When I click on the 'vehicle.png' link it just opens up a bigger picture of all the vehicles. Not sure what to do!
Well, then you save the image in your browser.