Pixel Art Jeep
This is specifically a Jeep Trailcat. The only thing the art doesn't have identical to the car is the word "Jeep" on the back, which means you can call this offroading vehicle whatever you want, without directly copying the Jeep name.
This pack consists of four angles, the front, back, side and top view of the Jeep. The wheels are seperate so you can move them as you please, as well as the windows, doors and roof, so you can put a player avatar between them and the Jeep.
Also included is a red Jeep, in case you want distinctly different player cars or an AI for your player to drive against.
Wheels of both Jeeps can be animated to look like they're moving. (there are only two animation frames)
If you want to see a minor change on this pixel art, I can probably get it done for you, and I'm also open for commissioning. If you like my work, follow the first link to check out other ones I've created on OpenGameArt, and click on the second to go to a site where I can make you whatever pixel art car you want!