Pickaxe, shield, chest, hammer, bottle and knife cartoon
Wednesday, July 15, 2020 - 17:02
Art Type:
Images of common tools in games. Both the original vector and in separate PNG images.
The package includes a table with all the images in vector (in svg format) and a PDF file with all the images. Both files can be imported into your favorite image editor for editing.
It also includes all images in PNG format with transparent background, in dimensions 256x256, 128x128, 64x64 and 32x32.
10 pickaxes
10 hammers
3 bootles
4 chests
1 knife
5 shields
Images in different resolutions of various items that can be useful for you to use in your games, cards or illustrate your projects.
If possible a return to about work. Criticism is always welcome.
Have fun!