Friday, March 22, 2019 - 08:28
Art Type:
We all know Sega pioneered the internet connected game console with their revolutionary and forward thinking DreamCast console, but what if they'd been even more forward thinking? What if they'd foreseen the Internet Age all the way back in 1985 and built WiFi and a web browser into their famed Sega Master System console?This then is what OpenGameArt.org might have looked like had it been viewable on our beloved Sega Master System console. Plus a way worse looking NES port just to demonstrate once and for all which was the superior console. Sara bust from William.Thompsonj's Sara LPC sprite:https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-sara Small font Buch's Three Little Bitmap fonts set:https://opengameart.org/content/three-little-bitmap-fonts

Wow, I like the NES colors better O_o
Anyways, I love that little piece of lore you gave too!!! Alternate history is always great!
oh mate, this is awesome! very clever, OGA should have an 8bit section just for this.:)
you are so right about the dreamcast and Sega, the Dreamcast is my favourite machine ever! that dial up connection though, god my internet was bad then(still is mostly) Sega were always so far ahead of the game, to far i think that its a shame that it didnt catch on. But look at intenet games now, we should all bow down at this point. :) oh and it's definatly worth mentioning that they were first with Vurtual Reality machines aswell way back in er 92-93?, and even then i'm sure there system had less wires than the PS VR. hahahaha :)
nice job mate, im tempted to get Monstropolis Street Racer out this weekend now, or maybe even Headhunter, i dare not play Shenmue as i wont get any work done over the weekend. :)
I think you may be on to something - alternative skins for different gaming eras/styles would be pretty cool....including a two-tone "pong" version!
@Flofflewoffle Flooferwoofer: Haha, TBH the NES colors don't look that bad to me either, somehow I was able to keep a hint of the OGA purple in there with the NES palette which I like. You know I just couldn't resist the console wars jab. ;)
@chasersgaming: Glad you like! As with so many things in life, I'm afraid I was pretty late to the Dreamcast party, but once I got there it was definitely a good time! Never did take one online, but I did buy a DC mouse so I'd be ready in case I ever wanted to. TBH, not sure how well that logic worked out for me ;)
@Boom Shaka: I'll say this de-make turned out a lot better than I was expecting. I think there's a certain magic to the 8-bit era that makes it work. You have enough to play with to keep the same general idea, but you have to cut and shrink enough stuff that it becomes it's own idea at the same time.
I tinkered with an Amiga de-make, but by the 16 bit era, you have enough colors and pixels that it really just ends up being a worse looking version of the existing site. Well at least, that was my experience, maybe somebody wants to bust out a hot Genesis version and prove me wrong! :)
As an aside, an alternate approach would be to do skins based off the marketing/packaging look for the different systems. Wood panelling, or silver with crazy horizontal rainbow separators everywhere for Atari 2600, or use that crazy graph paper motif from the Genesis carts, or do up the preview icons in the style of first gen NES boxes.
Does the NES version have realistic flicker? :O
I didn't know this existed until just now. This is awesome.