OGA is the new Crack, creditstune1

call it a draft ... i'll update as it comes ofcourse - the credits SO FAR for assets used :
i don't know if this thing does embedding , its a sneak prev i dont think registration to the site is open yet (its not mine after all ...) more like a co-op where i don't actually own anything ...
or else :
creds in vid btw but
Backgrounds :
Music :
Bitmap Font :
Play Button :
pardon the sloppy it's all draft, as is the game i prefer mechanics over fluff , i mean in that order because a shiney bit that doesnt work is not much fun after youve seen it once ...
The idea behind steemplayer , as i understand, just like my personal game-in-dev : https://tyrnannoght.alleycat.be you need a steem account to be able to register and play because it revolves around the token (well not 'revolves around' as much as 'uses it') you can play, you can play for free some or more games (as i understand lol, well yes you do, atm thats the idea but only for credits can you play for prizes or play contests and some games will cost credits and credits cost steem ... nothing's set ... but that's the general idea
where my personal game i want to be no-fun-at-all and all-torture, spirit of miyazaki, Sony EQ1, and generation C64, steemplayer is aimed more at casual ...
and dam' the tune sounds almost bassless on my speakers as opposed to my headphones i'll update, as i did and will do more with the cards and the rest ... as it becomes available and/or is there ...
(be careful if you sign up for steem .. it has trolls like every place ... ;-) ...
? well, fix that the, teamIT :p especially theuuh, o never mind (it can be discouraging to bump into the elite or the hyenas but i guess you get that on youtube too ...)