Ninja Adventure - Free Sprite
Tuesday, December 30, 2014 - 12:02
Art Type:
- 10 Frame Walk Cycles
- 2D - Complete Characters
- 2D Pixels
- 2D Side Characters
- AK 2D Characters
- CC0 - 2D Platform Creatures & Characters
- CC0 Portraits
- CC0 Walk Cycles
- Good CC0-Art
- Johnny Space Cadet
- Morgan's Favorites
- No Title Yet
- Platformer/Sidescroller Characters and Enemies
- QnD002 Assets
- Ragnar's CC0 Bag of Holding
- Side Scrolling Character Art Collection
- Walk Cycles
Extension for the previous ninja sprite. Free 2D ninja character. Suitable for side-scrolling adventure and platformer games.
- 9 animation states
- 10 frames for each states
- File format: Separate PNG sequence files
See more premium game assets at:

great work, thanks for sharing it with us.
just wanted to know if you'll be sharing more male and female characters like your currnet ninja set?
the artwork, different sates, and animation are truly great...i will be using it in my commerical game and giving you credit.
That's very likely. Just wait & see. :)
Hi , i have used your art in my game , i made sure to mention you in the credits.
Here is the link if you'd like to have a look ! :)
and thank you soo much for sharing yous talent !!!
I'm going to use this amazing work.
I'm using this asset in Ninja Training , a GPL v3 game.
Thank you for this, about to put this in my game that is about to be on windows phone and android, will give you all the credit, thank you so much.
Just wanted to let everyone know inculding the artist, don't use these sprites, becuase I got a IP violation when I put a game with these sprites on Android. Someone, don't think it is the artist, but someone is claiming these to be their art work, so at your own risk, just wanted to let everyone know.
has this been resolved plz before i use in my game did notice there was 2 male versions and only one girl ninja
It's a fantastic design. I see you've been inspired by Naruto.
I will use it commercially and give you credit. Thank you for sharing good things.
Great job sir. I have just began making games and I am using your sprites in my first game. If I can complete the game and it would be popular, it will be a pleasure for me to give you some credits. Good work done is unforgettable. Good luck for all of us... :)