Night Club fighters Assorted reasonably skimpy dressed female wrestlers (Universal Prototype 2 for scrolling beat 'em up or MUGEN)
It is an universally accepted truth that in movies, whatever the police is investigating, they must pay a visit to some more or less explicit night clubs.
I decided to have some fun with my template and combining the famous costumes designed by Ghastly.
I won't beat around the bush: They might be PEGI 12, but there is no way to deny are intentionally suggestive. I confronted them with the standards of SEGA and CapCom in the last century, and i guess if they aren't any less covered than Roxy and Poison.
Down to the business, I created some characters that can be found in any beat em up game, i'm working on cartoon version of them, like bouncers, security etc. etc.
I'll start this collection with the first five of the batch, rendered in high resolution with indexed palette, altough there might be some cross shadows. There is a reasonable freedom in the palettes i choosed but changes too drastical might affect shadows or highlight on parts colored with too different ramp.
I put "Erika" in the preview because, she's the most modest of the bunch, but because of the nature of my project, all the characters have the same set of cels, altough this time i had to make some modification in some poses. I'm planning to animate hairs and... uh, well, let's say "triceps" for now.
The group images show the label on each fighter, giving an indication of render engine and overal looks, the names are arbitrary, and long story short, the correspondent file represent the 5300+ cels of that very character in that very style.
I'll create cartoonish chars as well, on the same models, they'll have different names.
I published both sequences and spritesheets, the content of [Name]_sequence and [Name]_Spritesheet is identical.
Allow me a little joke: There are still some green dots left, but i made sure that in this case only killed the right green dots and left the wrong green dots alone.
On That note... on the cartoon versions i'll pay particular attention to kill some green dots. This is why Cartoon Barbara is in the poster but not in the files. I'll whisper in your ear i'm publishing her on DeviantArt as she is.
Also, soon I'll animate hairs and the bombenhagens... Ehm, triceps and biceps, of course i mean ;)