Need one (or more) team member(s)
Hello everyone!
Since this is my first post, let me introduce myself. My name is Guillaume Rangheard. I'm a french student in architecture, and freelance web developer. A few friends and I are currently working on a game project.
There are five of us:
Belzeboul -- conceptual artist, contributor for the tabletop version
dmargenal -- conceptual artist, contributor for the tabletop version
Lujine -- game mechanics wunderkind, co-creator of the tabletop version
Transient -- music designer (who's a freelancer)
me (aka Velatus) -- coder, project manager, sound designer
We most of all need graphics for the characters (as I, being an architect, will be responsible for the buildings). What we're looking for is not the occasional freelancer, but rather one (and hopefully more) permanent team member(s), to act as game artist(s). Belzeboul and dmargenal would discuss the art direction, and be in charge of conceptual drawings. They would send these to the game artist(s), who'd then draw them, and send it back to me, so I could put them into the engine. The sprite management portion of the engine is quite stable now, so content integration would be quite fast. We plan to release the first playable beta version this august.
The game is called "Oros-Boros: Orlanic Wars". It takes place in the Oros-Boros universe (being our tabletop rpg). Basically, OB is a post-apocalyptic game with a twist. It focuses more on political, economical and ideological interactions in post-apocalyptic societies, than on the usual punk-looking, leather-clad road warrior cliché we felt this genre had been crawling under for a long time. It's about people making up utopias, for their own interests, or for what they think is a greater cause. It's about how your character would relate to his/her (pre-apocalyptic) past, and use it (or lose it) to move forward into a new world. OB:OW is about a great war that takes place in some dystopian western europe, somewhere around 2500 AD, involving some sort of medieval/steampunk grand duchy (as the big villain), technophile activists (some of the good guys), socialist revolutionaries (somewhat neutral faction, leaning towards goodness), two (totally neutral) races of mutants and minor cities (playable as recruitable mercenaries).
The engine is entirely written in FreeBASIC, and was intended to be as portable as possible. (Some newLISP will be added later, mostly for campaign and AI scripting.) It will be released for free on both Windows and Linux (probably as a Debian/Ubuntu package, since the majority of us are ubunteros). It's an open source game. No doubt about that. BUT the source will only be released to the public when the game is, mainly because we want the code base to be as clean as possible for future developers. The game is in 2D. As you might have guessed, it uses a hexagonal grid, rendered using 30-60 axonometry (that's the closest I could get to the french "axonométrie 30-60" -- feel free to ask any question about this). The (terrain) tiles are 69x62 px. The characters that you would have to draw would be 10-80 px wide, and 60-120 px high. You'd have to produce two files for each sprite: one being the actual sprite, and the other an alpha mask (there are technical (and portability) reasons behind that). Oh and one more thing: save a few details, the game is in black and white.
Let me know if you're interested in joining the team. Feel free to ask any question.
I am always interested in new projects. I would just like to learn alittle bit more like the art direction you are going and what not.
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group:
If you guys need any help on projects email me Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
Thanks for answering!
Ok. As I said, the game is all in black and white. Litterally. Almost no shades of grey. Everything would look hand-drawn, and with a rather low level of detail (an average of 70x100 pixels ain't that much). I'm thinking western style, somewhat like Dofus but less cartoon-ish, and with all the colors and shades removed. The only colored parts of the game would be the characters' outlines (team color), and a few UI elements. That's abstract, if you will.
As far as the music is concerned, we'll use minimalistic electronica (sometimes referred as glitch). Try to think of it more as textures than as actual beats and loops. We want the player to sort of melt in, but without being distracted. Imagine a somewhat grunge version of the Eufloria soundtrack.
To put it in a nut shell, we try to keep thing as minimal as we can.
Very nice, Minimalist ambiance and glitch/idm is my specialty
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group:
If you guys need any help on projects email me Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
As a matter of fact, it is (I just checked your Youtube page). Quite nice. Reminds me of that spanish band Normaa. Or maybe some warmer version of Normaa, before they started to lean toward dubstep, and lost me along the way. ;)
ehh everything on my youtube page is mostly outdated and just concept songs. But here in the future i might pop in just to see what you guys are up to when I have time. Do you have a mirc channel or anything?
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group:
If you guys need any help on projects email me Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
Thanks for your interest in the project, man. We had an irc like ages ago, but we don't use it anymore. I'm currently working on a wiki, but haven't finished it yet. I also have a personal website, which is off for the time being. It needed some heavy rewriting. I'll soon post the addresses (the wiki and my personal page) here and on a couple of forums I'm used to posting on.
BTW I'd love to listen to some of your more recent stuff.