NASA Images: Set 2
Monday, December 19, 2016 - 12:54
Art Type:
Images grabbed from Flickr using the "no known restrictions" search parameter:
These might make good load screens, or title/menu backgrounds. I tried to submit as somebody else's work but don't see anywhere to name the authors?
For all images:
NASA's media use policy:
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
see above

It's... not entirely clear what the usage restrictions on these are. If culling images from Flickr is your thing, it's probably best to stick with one 'author' at a time for a given pack, and search for those images specifically on the pages of the participating institutions participating in "The Commons", or at least to be particularly fastidious about noting exactly where they're coming from so that you're sure of the copyrights attached to them.
Like, not all of these were posted from the "NASA on the Commons" page. Several of them are actually from the Smithsonian Institute that I can see, this being one example:
And while keeping NASA's media use policy in mind is probably a good idea for those images posted by NASA, it's worth noting that those images they've posted on that Flickr account are only beholden to the Flickr license, as far as I'm aware (though if any of them say otherwise on the specific image page, that should definitely be noted, of course. Though perhaps that should also be brought up with Flickr as well, as if any of those accounts are doing so, it seems like that'd go against the whole purpose of that license in the first place).
You are correct, these all did NOT come from the NASA on the Commons" page, they came from a "no use restrictions" search as indicated in the original post:
"Images grabbed from Flickr using the "no known restrictions" search parameter:"
Nevertheless, I happily defer to the site administrators if this submission is, in any way, inappropriate for an OGA license.