MV Platformer Female (32x64)
Thursday, May 23, 2019 - 22:04
Art Type:
Another MV Platformer character set: human women! A phalanx of female firebrands, fixing to find fortune and fight foes! This set includes a character base in four skintones with the following:
= Actions =
- Idle (x1)
- Standing (x1)
- Walking (x6)
- Crouching (x3)
- High Damage (x2)
- Low Damage (x2)
- Crouching Damage (x2)
- Jumping (x3)
- Block (Stand, Air, Crouch) (x1)
- Jab/Punch (Stand, Air, Crouch) (x2)
- Horizontal Strike (Stand, Air, Crouch) (x3)
- Vertical Strike (Stand, Air, Crouch) (x4)
- Air Damage/Falling (x2)
- KO (x1)
= Hair =
- Long (blond, brown, black)
- Bob (blond, brown, black)
- Buns (blond, brown, black)
= Outfits =
- Light armor
- Plate armor (steel, gold)
- Robe (blue, red, gray, brown)
- Ninja gi (blue, red, gray, brown)
- Thief garb (blue, red, brown)
= Headgear =
- Floppy hat (blue, red, gray, brown)
- Bandanna (blue, red, gray, brown)
License is CC0 - do as you wish. Attribution not necessary (but always appreciated). Comments and critique are welcome. If you use this in a project, feel free to drop a link in the comments here or in the Show Off Your Project forum - it's always fun to see my work in the wild. Enjoy!

Cool! Will u be adding tem,plate clothes for the Male too?