Mutant Grunt
Monday, October 9, 2023 - 09:36
Art Type:
Low poly quake style monster. Rigged, textured and has a few WIP animations (walk, punch, shoot).
Design by Nmn:
Licensed under CC0. If you use this, I would appreciate it if you let me know and mention me in your credits, but you are under no obligation to do so.

sweet! you planning on doing some of Nmn's other doomish baddies?
Thanks. Yup, I was thinking of doing the whole set! Don't know when I'll get around to it though (or finish the animations on this one). If you would use them for something that would motivate me.
i've not been doing much gamedev lately, just appreciating game art as art. it would be a cool lowpoly set tho, for sure.
Well done! The animation is maybe a bit exagerated, it is looking like he's stepping on his toe to make no sounds. Otherwise, nice modeling and texure.
Nmn is still active on DeviantArt: if you want to see some of his latest designs (I don't believe they're CC0 though).
Thank you! Yeah the animations are crap and work in progress too. It's my first time animating. Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.
Ah pity. Well I'm doing this just for fun at this point. So one day maybe a full set.
That is just awesome! I have a real soft spot for low poly models and the Quake engine :')
Nearly Everything I put out to the public - stuff I put here and on IG and on DA are all free to use in your productions: the designs, ideas, feel free to use 'em :)
The only exception are those marked [COMMISSION], I would have to contact my clients so see if they would agree if their designs were to be used in some production. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't mind, but it's best to ask in those cases.
Everything else - enjoy it in any way you like! By the people, for the people ^^