More like Ragewortt's characters
Wednesday, August 24, 2016 - 17:16
Art Type:
Here I will upload some characters inspired by and in the style of Ragewortt's characters.
- A druid
- A Valkyrie
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
You may credit me but this is not mandatory

Hey Ed, when you put these characters together, do you separate their parts so that we can manipulate them? I just downloaded this and the whole thing is stuck together as one image. This is the same for some of the characterss from your last post also.
Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or what.
@hhx it's grouped, click on it and ungroupit, this will liberate hands and feet from the body, if you still can't move the feet you need to click again on it and ungroup it one more time.
The same applies for every single character.
Ed, ok. I got it now. Sorta new to this graphics stuff, but the video was very helpful. I will have to learn more about using this program.
Thanks a lot.
@hhx you can find many good basic tutorials, once you have the basics you may want to check out Spriteattack's game art tutorials.
Ed, I will definitely check that site out some more in the future. Took a quick look at it and it seems like a good site. Thanks again.
What a lovely design!
@Snabisch ¡Muchas gracias!
This char reminds me Kraptkrinkel's style
Added a Valkyrie ;-)