Monkey on Mars (Share the Love)
This one can't be for promotion purposes, as the competition is ending, but I promised to submit something, so...
The Share the Love art challenge was about picking a submission and then doing something with it. I had some false starts with vector assets (I learned I don't know how Inkscape works yet) but finally chose something else. I looked at and got inspired by the ape creature and the orange outfit. So I created a monkey in a spacesuit, along with some variations.
Obviously this could be expanded as well. Jumping, hit, and dead states would be some examples. Feel free to share the love too!
The page has the others in the challenge. Check them out.

He's great! Very cute! My only suggestion would be to try adding a tail to the space suit just to really sell the monkey idea. Might be tricky with the jetpack on but shouldn't be too hard for the others. That plus bananas. Maybe freeze dried banana slices since he's in space. :)
How cool, space Chimps! :)
I was hoping to find a good ape picture to use for intelligent apes. I want with your monker insted in Everything Attacks. Thanks.