Mix and Match
Saturday, June 25, 2016 - 04:55
Art Type:
This was made by anneres https://openclipart.org/user-detail/anarres and hosted on open clipart. It has been there for years, but I couldn't find it here. Character builder + walking animation. Move things around around and change the colors. Very easy to work with. Requires inkscape (which is free) or adobe.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
mix and match by anneres https://openclipart.org/user-detail/anarres

Uploader has issues. It won't let me say that I'm not the author on this...
Yeah, I've seen that happen before. When you click "Is this your own work? * No" it's supposed to display an "Author Information" box just below the "Allow later license versions" checkbox. I'm pretty sure the administrators are working on that issue, but it looks like it's still having a bit of trouble.
Enabling java or editing the submission on an alternate browser sometimes works, but in the meantime, you can list the author's name, email address, and website in the Description box.
It is pretty useful. I'll have to see if it fits the style of a game I make sometime. The people are like greeting card social media style or something.
The art style is a bit different than most things on the site. It would probably work with kenny's stuff though. I tried dropping one of my heads on it to see how it would look:
Anarres says "Hi, could you attribute me to my openclipart user page, https://openclipart.org/user-detail/anarres. Thanks for getting in touch, it's great that people are enjoying and re-using those images!"
No problem. I actually used the website listed on the openclipart page. I changed it to the one requested.