Mini Knight Expansion 1
- 2D - Complete Characters
- 2D Pixels
- 2d Platformer
- 2D::Sprite::Sidescroll
- 2D::Tile::Sidescroll
- 4 Frame Walk Cycles
- A Pixel Art Collection
- A Pool: Unsorted (GDN)
- A Simple Knight (considered graphics)
- Area tokens (PixelArt)
- CC0 resources
- Character Sprites
- Gunners, Pugilists, and Swordsmen
- Knight's Labrynth
- Library of 2D Game Art
- Manic Minutes
- Mobile game - scouting
- One Day...
- Pixel Characters
- platformer
- Platformer/Sidescroller Characters and Enemies
- Platformer/Sidescroller Tiles and Backgrounds
- side scroll art
- Tower Roguelike
- Walk Cycles
This is a small expansion pack to the Mini Knight gfx set that I made some months ago. As you can see I numbered this "1", so more of these packs might come later, but it's hard to say when. :)
This expansion pack contains:
A full set of level tiles which includes two different terrain colors with both light and dark shading, slopes, ladders, trees, water and other usual stuff.
An improved version of the knight character, that now has animations for jump and duck + melee and guard while doing those, as well as a ladder climb and wait/rest animations.
Two new enemies: skeleton and werewolf. Both have attack, walk and death animations, and the skeleton also has a guard pose and comes in two color schemes.
Attribution Instructions
These graphics are in the Public Domain.
Attribution is not needed.
But if you wish to give me credit, then you can mention "Master484" as the original author, and maybe also put a link to my website:
Also if interested, you can follow me at

This is fantastic stuff!
Looks cool but I have trouble creating tilemap using "Tiled" because the tiles are not arranged properly. Please help. Thanks in advance :)
I just added a new file which has all the tiles arranged in a better way, check it out. :)
Thanks a ton :)
i am new to this how do you take a sprite form the chunk of them that are there
You can download one or all of them. They are all different.
very good design
I used these great sprites for a remake of Sir Lancelot: