Military van
This is intended as a modern or near-future military vehicle that would serve the same role as the HMMWV or Humvee. It comes with a variety of turrets, each on a separate layer of the file. Layers 15-19 have the same turrets as layers 5-9, but centered at (0,0,0). Everything is fully unwrapped and textured using a modified version of the CC0 texture from Atze's tank car (
The included turrets are a squad machine gun similar to the M2 Browning "Ma Deuce" .50-caliber, a doppler-like sensor or communications array, a dual-machine-gun turret, a pair of mini-rocket pods, a light cannon, a heavy cannon, and a Gatling-style rotary machine gun. There is also a rudimentary interior, in case you want to open the doors or blow them off.
The vehicle itself without any weapons weighs in at 2912 triangles. There are two textures packed into the file at high resolution so they can be scaled down as you please, 2048^2 and 512^2, which is why the file is so large despite being compressed.

Of course there are details if you looked close-up, even a top-down rts might do better with rotating wheels, i mean also sideways, or maybe simulated suspension. (presumably blender can define such things?)
Ey, maybe springRTS is a thing. Unfortunately seem games there have difficulty attracting crowds.
Still, those changes can still be made, great job!
Thanks for taking the time to critique, Jasper. I'm not too sure about simulated suspension, but rotating the wheels about the vertical axis sounds like a good call. That would be as simple as adding a vertical bone to each tire, so I might do that after this game jam is over. :)