Military Storage Box
Monday, February 6, 2012 - 21:54
Art Type:
This is a generic metal box in army green. It has diffuse (1024x1024), spec (1024x1024) and normal (2048x2048) maps packed into the .blend file.
It has 52 polys (quads) which can be reduced a bit, but it is a work in progress so I chose to leave it as is for the time being.
Be aware that a large portion of the texture space is currently unused. This file uses version 2 of the military texture for the box. I intend to incorporate version 1 into the texture and to make a couple of addition versions for variety. If there is any interest, I can upload the version 1 texture as well as separate image files.
The source textures are from my personal library.
Attribution Instructions:
Model and textures by Ulf

Never thought I'd say this about a crate, but:
Very nice! This is an excellent piece of work, and clearly a lot of time went into the design and particularly the texturing of it. Detail pieces like this rarely stand out in a game, but they do something very important -- namely, they contribute to an overall feeling of immersion and realism. We could use more stuff like this. :)
Thanks bart. I have a simple philosophy: if no one notices then you've done your job well.