Menu Music
Monday, December 13, 2010 - 09:54
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some music for your regular game.... The music really has no defined 'mood' so it will pretty much work with anything. This music is loopable.
I made this using GarageBand and Apple Loops. Am I under any sort of copyright infringement?

Much of it sounds very much like the backing track in
Is that just a standard loop in GarageBand? Apple may have copyrights over that, I don't know.
Yeah. its just a standard orchestral loop.
"GarageBand Software. You may use the Apple and third party audio loop content (Audio Content), contained in or otherwise included with the Apple Software, on a royalty-free basis, to create your own original music compositions or audio projects. You may broadcast and/or distribute your own music compositions or audio projects that were created using the Audio Content, however, individual audio loops may not be commercially or otherwise distributed on a standalone basis, nor may they be repackaged in whole or in part as audio samples, sound effects or music beds."
So, my read of that license is that you're fine as long as what you're posting isn't *just* a garageband loop. If you've added to it or changed it, then you're good.
so we are free to use/edit this work? under public domain.
how do you download these?
Right click and hit "save linked file to Downloads"
alright, thanks, great music :)
its not letting me though :/
is there any other way to do it because it only says "save link..."
I'd like to bring this back under the microscope because some questions haven't been answered.
Has this audio track been modified at all or is it just the single sample from a GarageBand package?
This audio track has been modified. As in it was created from several apple loops. It is not a single sample from GarageBand, and is both legal and safe to use.
Okay, thanks for the update. Just wanted to be clear on that! :)
isn't that the same sound that is in Fort Minors song?
Hi mrpoly,
I just wanted to thank you very much for your great composition! I used it on the main menu of my newest game - Martian Mix-Up! You're right - it does go really well with just about anything.
I hope it does your work justice!
Thank you for this music!
I credit you and used it in my Android game "Nessie Odysseus", for the "Amazon River" level:
Thanks! I used it in my game: TrophyDash
Hi, this is such a great song that I used it in my YouTube video here: as a background track. Maybe I'll be able to use it in a more exciting video in the near future, too! Thanks for sharing this!
Hey, I used your music in my game, and I credited you. Check it!
Thank you I used it in this game. I challenged myself to make in iOS.
Oh, I remember this beat. The beginning of this song sounds exactly like the theme music for a flight simulator flash game I played as a small Child in the early 2000s and the nostalgica just hit me.
Thanks for posting this.
For anyone who want's to know what flash game i mean
and the song
I smell Bo Burnham
This is really nice. Thank you for posting it!!
Very good!
I used it in my game menu.
ngl this sounds like a megolavania remix
Hello. I'm PinkMan, a Korean game developer. This song is one of the most addictive songs I've ever heard. Your music has been a strong force for me. The song was used in a MakRPG Online game on the Korean server, and the song was also added to the YouTube ( video for promotion.
Thank you so much for making such a wonderful and amazing song.
This song is amazing!
"You can make commercial music with GarageBand, you just can't distribute the loops as loops." - Apple
Source: "Using Royalty Free Loops in Garageband With Commercial Work" -