Thursday, July 9, 2015 - 14:44
Art Type:

This piece is a mix of chamber/classical and a hiphop beat. Pretty upbeat and positive. Good for a paltformer, or anything that is a light-hearted adventure with friends. Maybe good for a puzzle game. If you want it to loop cantact me and I can edit it down.

I am wondering i you could make it loop if you do a big thankyou i know how hard it is to make good music
Do you have any preference for length of the loop? Or what parts it should have... Should it keep the intro bit?
Hi I'm making a platformer and I think this music is perfect for it and I need it to loop
Cool, thanks for your interest in my music.
I've made two looping versions. Melody++ Loop loops with all the beatbox beat stuff that enters towards the end of the piece. Melody++ Simple Loop is from the beginning with the simplified build up.
I want to add this to my platformer /rpg/ puzzle game do i credit you by your username
Great! Glad you can use my music.
Attribute this to Marty Opsahl with a link to my soundcloud page.
I like how this starts off so cheerful then gets kind of... concerning... while being so pleasant to listen to!