Medieval Icons | Inventory +284
We present to your attention a set of icons, ideal for a game inventory with a medieval theme. The set includes: axe, pickaxe, helmet, rings, potions, food, armor, shovel, scythe, wrench and hammer. Simple icons with multicolor variation.
Icon size: 256x256px | 128x128px | 64x64px
Transparent: Yes
Format: PNG
Number of unique icons: 26 pieces
List of items:
Item Armors [+18 Colors / +4 Unique]
Item Food [+33 Colors / +6 Unique]
Item Gemstones [+17 Colors / +1 Unique]
Item Helmet [+13 Colors / +3 Unique]
Item Potions [+20 Colors / +1 Unique]
Item Rings [+133 Colors / +5 Unique]
Item Ax [+9 Colors / +1 Unique]
Item Hammer [+9 Colors / +1 Unique]
Item Pickaxe [+7 Colors / +1 Unique]
Item Scythe [+9 Colors / +1 Unique]
Item Shovel [+12 Colors / +1 Unique]
Item Wrench [+8 Colors / +1 Unique]
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