Friday, June 28, 2019 - 19:14
Art Type:
I make all my own Original Tunes and I record them on the spot by making up the melodies and harmonies up as I go along with each instrument. Changes have been made to the tune as follows. The Midi version contains only just the original scale while the Ogg version contains a scale transpose to the tune. If the instruments are not to your suiting, the midi version has been included also if you wish to change the instruments that have been used as the original tune was recorded in Anvil Studio so its my playing ability you are hearing, or remove the drum beat or to edit any of the midi tracks.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
CC0 Attribution Optional
mediadv.mid 13.7 Kb [36 download(s)]
mediadv.ogg 1.1 Mb [4 download(s)]
Good songs