Machine Death Sound
Tuesday, December 14, 2021 - 01:30
Art Type:

For a powered armor death noise I mixed together a set of sounds that I think came out really well, so I figured I'd share. The file is a WAV mixed down to 11025bps or thereabouts appropriate for Doom source ports. Unfortunately I deleted the high-quality original but it can be recreated as described below.
I used Cough-E's "Machine Shutting Down" effect and mixed in Laser_02 and then Laser_00 from Little Robot Sound Factory's Sci-Fi Sound Effect Library. The result is really effective as a player death sound in Doom and it reminds me a lot of the death noise for the Terran Wraith from Starcraft.
Edit: I've recreated the high-quality original and added it to the downloads section
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
+ Cough-E: Use however you want, even commercially. No credit needed
+ Little Robot Sound Factory:

Wow, that's not bad.
Thank you, Umplix!
To anyone interested, I've added a re-creation of the high-quality original (not mixed down to 11025bps or whatever) to the downloads section. Enjoy blowing things up!