Mac the Robot
Saturday, July 30, 2016 - 05:59
Art Type:
A 3D robot I made in Blender with some materials applied. Low poly.
- .blend file
- .obj file
!! It would be pretty stupid to enforce this so I won't, but I'd really love to see a picture or gif with it if it ever gets used in any game.

great design
Heh let's be real it looks pretty bad but I'm just learning and I posted it here maybe someone needs it..
It looks pretty good for a beginner.
Like seriously,someone could use it as a kids toy or place it on a shelf so it won't be empty.
Also are those dots I see on the picture are from the object or from the picture?
The dots are from the render so they are only visible on the image. You can get rid of them by increasing the number of samples for the render process and adding more lighting sources I think
Haha, love it!
I`m working on a R-Type like game where a kid is playing with his "rocket" in the house. This is perfect as a boss in the kid`s room. :-)
<3 Love to see this helps someone even 5 years later!