[LPC] Walls
Monday, May 31, 2021 - 09:32
Art Type:
300+ walls and 32 ceiling trims, in the style of the Liberated Pixel Cup.
Terrain tiles (aka Wang Tiles) are included for both the ceiling trims and the walls (Tiled version 1.5.0+ required). See the animated preview images for how easy it is to make rooms with these tilesets. Many of the walls can be mixed-and-matched for different effects---see the second preview image for examples.
The second preview image is an example scene. A Tiled map file is included in lpc-interior-preview.zip . Please note the example scene also contains art from [LPC] Floors and [LPC] Windows & Doors. See CREDITS-*.txt in the zip folder.
See other interior tiles and objects in [LPC] Interiors collection.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
"[LPC] Walls" by bluecarrot16, Lanea Zimmerman (Sharm), Daniel Armstrong (HughSpectrum), William Thompson (William.Thompsonj), Hyptosis, Zabin, Daniel Cook, Guido Bos, SpiderDave, Cougarmint, Stephen Challener (Redshrike), Matthew Nash, Wolthera van Hövell tot Westerflier (TheraHedwig), Reemax, bleutailfly, NaRNeRZz, Sir Spummington, Casper Nilsson, KnoblePersona. CC-BY-SA 3.0. See CREDITS-walls.txt

This is a lot of good work for such a small number of downloads and no comments. Darn
Great tile! However, the .tsx file does not load any wang tiles. Talking to a person at the Tiled Discord, they figured out that error was because there's 255 walls, and Tiled only supports 254 wand tiles on a single file.
Looks great, any way to fix the .tsx file? I tried deleting some wangtiles from .tsx file but it didn't work.