[LPC] Victorian Town Decorations
- All Thumbs
- DWSG (Using)
- Farm assets
- Green_IT
- Impyrean options
- LPC Art Collection + Others
- LPC Collection
- LPC RPG Assets
- LPC Tiles
- LPC World Art
- LPContemporary
- maybe assets for Treasure (+other)
- NOT CC0 Sprites
- NOT CC0 Tiles & Tilesets
- Prototype Stuff
- Roguezeldalike
- RPG Game
- RpgMakerAssets
- Tale of Two Lands
- topdown tiles
- UnsealedTCG
- Vanguard
Decorations for an early industrialized town/city, in the style of the Liberated Pixel Cup.
See preview images. This is an extremely large set, with >3,000 tiles. This set also builds on lots of other artwork. As such, there is also a good chance I have missed or failed to attribute someone---please let me know if this is the case. See the companion set of buildings.
Also attached is a Tiled .tmx file for the full city shown in the preview images. IMPORTANT: (lpc-victorian-preview-SEE-README.zip
, YOU MUST CREDIT ALL AUTHORS AND PROVIDE LINKS TO ALL ARTWORK USED. This is because the preview image and lpc-victorian-preview.zip
contains artwork from several other submissions. Information on the authors of each file can be found in CREDITS.txt files within lpc-victorian-preview
. Please let me know if this is not clear or if you have questions.
Many images are animated, including the street lights and the fountains. See the Tiled preview for examples. Note also that the preview was constructed with the latest snapshot (2020.12.18) build of Tiled and may not work using earlier versions.

Thank you very much for creating and uploading the Tiled .tmx file. That's quite useful and time saving!
where is the .tmx? I do not see it in the .zip files...
Oh gosh, thank you for pointing that out! I accidentally uploaded the tilesets twice. The second file download has been replaced and now contains the TMX file of the preview image.
I can't believe any of the 65 people who downloaded it before didn't mention anything :p
That moment where you think "you know, I reckon I'm doing ok for variety"... and then this drops.
Awesome as usual.
Can't wait to see what you build with it ;-)
Yes, awesome set. A lot of it could also be used in an contemporary setting. I like especially
Evert: well bluecarrot16 always has huge sets with lots of variation. But parts of this set are also palette swaps, which are essentially duplicates. It's something you can omit, since everybody can easily do that themself. On the other hand it's a lot easier to use for people who don't know what they are doing and get confused by images with indexed colors.
But another thing that comes to mind, now that I mapped a bit around with LPC instead of doing random remixes: we maybe should make a LPC palette submission, where all palettes used for fabrics, stones, metals etc. get collected and their usage explained. I think there are still a lot of incompatible similar-looking LPC palettes floating around. (my space sets being one of them)
I know the palette swaps are easy to replicate (and arguably should be done on the fly in the game rather than in an image editor), but it's convenient to not have to do them - especially since not all ramps in the LPC palette swap well.
It would be really good to try to sanitise the LPC palette, but getting all the artwork modified for it would be a nightmare.
I tend to use the attached one, which is the one from the LPC style guide with the yellow ramp at the bottom added by me (I think this was used in some gold assets that I wanted to use that couldn't convert properly without it). Having said that, the frog-man I just uploaded uses a different palette because the colour ramp in the base artwork that I used to derive the other frames from doesn't map to any of the LPC ramps.
The palette suffers from having several nearly-but-not-quite the same colours, too many browns, inconsistent blues and no nice vibrant reds. I've been thinking of trying to fix it, but with my skill level, that'd take me a good while.
I suppose the first order of business would be to figure out what colours are used by all the different LPC assets, and then collapsing nearly identical colours into single colours. That can all be done automatically with a program, but sorting the resulting colours into sensible ramps is a different story. I never found a way to make that work properly.
Having done all that, the best that could be done is to recommend that people use the "fixed" palette. Generators could optionally auto-convert, of course.
Anyway, that's a topic for a different discussion thread, perhaps.
This is beautiful! Awesome! xD