[LPC] Trees
- 2D
- 2D::Tile::Orthogonal
- A treasure in town
- Brothers' Odyssey
- Collection for Mupsies2D
- Credits
- Discontinuum
- Epic Pixelart RPG
- Impyrean options
- Into the Aether
- Larwick
- LittleBoxes
- long licence fantasy modern game
- LPC - Outdoor Tiles
- LPC Art Collection + Others
- LPC Collection
- LPC Compatible Terrain/Tiles
- LPC Game assets
- LPC RPG Assets
- LPContemporary
- maybe assets for Treasure (+other)
- NOT CC0 Tiles & Tilesets
- Oddball Gamez LPC Style
- PawMon LPC
- Prototype Stuff
- Random
- RPG Game
- RPG Stuff Collection
- RpgMakerAssets
- Survival Game
- The Weary Adventurer
- THEME: fantasy / rpg
- Vagabond's assets
- Vanguard
- World Gen 2D
- [LPC] Collection
- [LPC] Outdoor Packs
A collection of deciduous trees, edited to fit the LPC style and palette. Part of my series of outdoor asset collections. Again I have scoured a bunch of submissions to collect most of the trees on OpenGameArt that I could cajole into roughly the correct palette, perspective, and scale. I didn't bother with stuff that was a 3D render, had too high a color count, or was just too stylistically different. I'm sure I've missed some though—let me know!
Not all the styles look great right next to one another, but they're roughly cohesive enough to be used in in the same game (perhaps for different environments). I've deliberately juxtaposed things in the preview to show the scope of the pack.
All trees have been recolored to a bright green, pale green, orange (fall) and brown variety. I made "dead" leaf-less versions for most too, but Zabin went and released his awesome tree pack right as I was finishing this one, so I was kind of burnt out by then and didn't make dead versions of all those. The idea was that you could cycle through the seasons by just swapping out different tilesets, as each recolor has the same layout.
I did not make snow-covered versions of any of these trees, and all conifer trees will be in a separate pack. Very small trees are in the plants pack (previews also include items from that submission).
Finally, as with the plants pack, I may have failed to attribute one or more authors correctly; if this is the case, please let me know and I will rectify it.

Hi! These are awesome, any chance of you being able to make snowy versions of these? I'd like them for a game I'm working on.
Hi FiveBrosStopMosYT, thanks! There is definitely a chance! Although it's not high on my priority list at the moment.
Next up for this set is to revisit some of the trees that are in a pretty different style (e.g. the trees from Jetrel/Zabin) and make them more consistent with the LPC, plus draw trees that are similar style but more visually distinctive (for instance, birch, poplar, sycamore, maple). More similar to what I did with the fruit trees.
Eventually, I would like to have more robust seasonal variations (e.g. part-orange/part-gree trees for fall, with leaves on the ground, maybe flowering variants for some), as well as snowy, leafless ones. In the meantime, you could use the "dead" versions from this pack, or the conifers from here https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-conifers which have snowy versions.
I'm happy to discuss commissioned improvements/expansions for any of my sets---just send me a private message if you are interested.
Ok, thanks! I think I'll try the dead trees for my game