[LPC] Hats
Friday, November 16, 2018 - 07:49
Art Type:
3 hats I did some time ago.
I planned on doing a police officer and Santa's Claws, but scrapped that for now.

3 hats I did some time ago.
I planned on doing a police officer and Santa's Claws, but scrapped that for now.
Good work, thanks for sharing.
Hats and helmets; love it!
Cool stuff indeed! Needs only hurt cycle frames to be able to produce a complete sheet, i put it on my to be commisioned list. Would like to see this complete:)
I would need to add some more frames for all of them, I guess.
Also might include my shell tools in the zip.
Maybe it would be also good to upload compiled full sprite sheets for all of them then.
No in fact for head wear (hair as well) 4 frames is enough, except for dead animation that is. See also here, includes some scripts as well btw to generate the sheet
For the helmets submitted by bluecarrot we also drew 4 frames plus death cycle btw
The thing is, it's not only hats.
The mask for Santa's Claws includes comic eyes to look more like the original.
I also wanted to have less requirements than jrconway3's script has.
I only need bash and imagemagic. And I use his mask for cutting the shooting animation.
I don't think I can do it, especially the Santa's Claws mask. Those "ears" already look weird in the original.