[LPC] Hair
40+ hairstyles for characters in the Liberated Pixel Cup style. 19 entirely original styles, new to this submission, with the remainder adapted from existing art but edited (sometimes heavily) for completeness and consistency. Special thanks to ElizaWy who contributed several original hairstyles for this submission that were essentially 100% complete.
If you like my work, please consider supporting me on Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/bluecarrot16. I am also open for commissioned work; contact me by private message! Support Eliza on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/DeathsDarling .
Brand new styles: afro, natural, flat top (w/ fade and straight), short twists (w/ fade and straight), dreadlocks (long and short), cornrows, bob and lob, bangs w/ bun, cowlick, balding, buzzcut, curly (long and short), half-up, high ponytail
Additional styles: various spiked/"anime"-style 'dos, pigtails, braids, long and messy, curtained, and more. Adaptations of the "classic" OGA characters Sara, Trevor, Star, and Puck are included.
License for the whole submission is CC-BY-SA 3.0, but most assets herein are also available under GPL 3.0, OGA-BY 3.0, or CC0. See CREDITS-hair.txt within.
Creation of full spritesheets and recolors are automated with lpctools. _build subdirectory contains the source images and a shell script to generate full spritesheets and recolors. If you want to do the recolors yourself, hair/STYLE/{male,female}.png for each style uses the same palette, which is: ["#a026009c", "#260d14ff", "#6a1108ff", "#a42600ff", "#bf4000ff", "#e55600ff", "#ff8a00ff"]. See also palettes.png or _build/palettes.json for the other color palettes.
All hairstyles are now also available in the LPC Character Generator! Concurrently with this submission, I have recolored all existing assets in the LPC generator to also use this set of color palettes, so all assets in the generator now have the same color palettes available. (Thanks castelonia!)
Preview images include bodies from LPC base assets by Redshrike https://opengameart.org/content/liberated-pixel-cup-lpc-base-assets-spri... (OGA-BY 3.0) and from LPC Medieval fantasy character sprites by wulax https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-medieval-fantasy-character-sprites (OGA-BY 3.0).

It has arrived! These are really neat. :)
Thank you for this, when I use this in my project, surely your name will be credited.
Thanks! And hopefully the other artists will be credited too ;-)