[LPC] FraMa sci-fi extensions
This is an extension for LPC goes to space and contains everything we remixed/created for our assembly during rC3, which means they all got created rather hasty.
The previews use tiles from LPC goes to space, [LPC] Hakuna Matetee and [LPC] Streets
This contains a lot of flashing or pulsating animated tiles.
New objects:
- added a missing wall tile
- extension for the blue floor, so it can be used as a Tiled terrain
- extension for the tile floor border markings, so it can be used on 1 tile wide paths.
- low tables, which work better with the couches. Those are actually based on the sci-fi computers and are an idea by llang.
- pulsating version of the crystal
- obelisk extension for the crystal
- LED wall with text modeled after the one we have in our hackerspace (animated)
- LED bulbs with power cord, since I thought that was easier to do than a proper LED strip (animated)
- Double hammock
New Work Adventure / rC3.world related objects:
- exit door and exit signs for finding back to the lobby map. (animated)
- icons to show that you are in a silent or jitsi area, as well as areas which play sounds. (animated)

Cool! You're developing quite the little Sci-Fi/modern collection in the LPC.
Where do the hammocks in the top-left of the second preview image come from?
I feel like you need some metal crates and barrels/oil drums to fill some extra space. And I don't think the yellow couches are quite space-y enough; they either need to be more modern or more run down and janky, to fit sort of a Firefly/Star Wars space western vibe.
I was told those double-hammocks were installed on a GPN, but I haven't seen them irl. I want to also upload them, but somebody else drew the sketch, my version is based on. And I have trouble to reach him right now.
So far I abstained from littering the place with crates and stuff, partly because I didn't know how many visitors the room had to handle. You also start videotelephony if you get too close to another visitor. I had your crates open, I think I also had to adjust their color a bit to match that green-blue metal, I use.
Yes, more run down would probably look better and closer to what we have in our hackerspace. I just chose the least pompous-looking couch I found in your upholstery set. Some defect overlays might be nice, like the broken tiles in lpc goes to space.
Our map is still available on the test intance(no idea how long that instance will stay online)
And there is lots of stuff still missing.
There are still a lot of WorkAdventure tiles, I'd like to replace with LPC stuff:
I found a toilet in LPC Tile Atlas2, but I have no idea where it's originally from.
Ah, makes sense. I had forgotten you were mimicking a real space and using it for meetups. In that case, less detritus is better :p
There's a toilet here https://opengameart.org/content/public-toilet-tileset and another one here https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-simple-modern-furniture ; the first one is probably the one in the tile atlas but I didn't check
Well, it's not our real space, but it's meant for meetups, yes.
Oh yes, the fist one. But where is that from? That does not have a license, author, tags or anything.
It's from the original contest: https://opengameart.org/lpc-art-entries (or https://lpc.opengameart.org/lpc-art-entries ; same content), so it's GPL 3.0 / CC-BY-SA 3.0. Ctrl-F on that page for toilet. Author is Matthew Nash
I noticed mate drinks lying around and vending machine for mate. Cool!
The vending machines are from Skorpio's original submission to LPC [LPC] Skorpio's SciFi Sprite Pack
I just added new labels for mate, hugs and masks vending machines in [LPC] Hakuna Matetee. That's also the submission where the 0.5l Mehrweg-Leihflaschen, which are used by Mio Mio Mate, come from and they are my original work, but with bluecarrot's glass palette.
I added the double hammock, which is based on a sketch of Wonko
That's probably my first upload that's not an indexed PNG, because of the shadow.