LPC Faun and Minotaur
I made two LPC-based monsters: a faun and a minotaur.
The Faun is really just a human with Nila122's lizard horns attached, but I made some hoof-like shoes that made him look more like an actual faun (this isn't optimal, redrawing the legs would be better). The legs are just a recolour of the normal pants, but are included for completeness.
The Minotaur took a bit more work: I used the head from the bull I made earlier (https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-bull) and stuck it in place of the base assets head. It works well with the muscular base as well as the normal base assets. I used Basto's arm cut-out (https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-modular-bodies-and-heads) to help with the archery frames.
They should both be able to use normal LPC weapons and wear normal LPC shirts (although you'll need to modify the outline for the Minotaur's head).

woot why did I not see this yet! Amazing, will add it to the generator!
Added the muscular minotaur:
And the items for the faun separately:
Also added links in the credit url property. So for example if someone uses:
you can now click "credits button" and the links to your post here is in the credits file. (I know it is not much but I think it is a good improvement already on the credits handling of the LPC entries)